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Fairlocks Pool Products
Modular Chemical Dosing Systems – A Different And Innovative Approach
In recent years WES Ltd have adopted a different approach to chemical dosing systems, one that involves modular designs but with a focus on health and safety for the benefit of operators of such equipment within different industries.

Within many industrial applications, building services installations, pool plant rooms, etc. there exist thousands of installations where a dosing pump sits either on a bracket or on top of an IBC or dosing tank, dosing various chemicals from glycol, anti-corrosion inhibitors, acids or alkalis for pH correction, chlorine for disinfection, ferric for coagulation, boiler feed chemicals, etc.

Some of these installations use individual pressure relief valves with the relief line routed back to the chemical container. This is to protect the pump and pipework in the event of a blockage and subsequent over pressure. Pressure loading valves are often included to prevent the chemical from syphoning and to aid accurate dosing terminating with some flexible discharge hose and a spring loaded injection fitting.

Others use a multi-function valve which combines the functions of pressure relief valve and pressure loading valve and allows de-aeration of the pump and emptying of the discharge line for maintenance. Some poor installations use a dosing pump with only discharge hose and injection fitting, which is acceptable if dosing into an open channel but not ideal if dosing into a pressurised line as there is no pump protection.

In the event of a leak from the pump, chemical will leak onto the IBC or dosing tank which ideally should be sat on an IBC drip tray or bund, this scenario exposes chemical to the atmosphere and creates an unsightly mess.

So what should happen if a hose blows off?

The WES DosingCube™ deals with all of the above and more, with particular emphasis on containment. It is a portable (can also be used for a permanent fixed installation) fully enclosed chemical dosing system comprising a weatherproof polyethylene rotationally moulded enclosure into which is fitted a Digital Dosing pump complete with pressure relief valve, pressure loading valve (or multi-function valve used for DosingCube™ Eco versions), bund leak detection switch.

The polyethylene enclosure IP54 rated, with an integral drip-tray is resistant to most chemicals and has a lockable toggle catch, carrying handles, two 316SS hooks for hanging off a wall mounted rail or IBC and a clear see through window to check the pump running or alarm status without opening the enclosure.

The Digital Dosing Pumps allowing direct operator entry of dose rate in LPH. Also, allowing manual or auto operation modes with direct input of pulse, 4-20mA flow proportional control signals, batch or timer control with alarm outputs.

The suction and delivery pipework can be dual contained with the outer sleeves connected directly to the DosingCube™. Any pipework leakage is detected by the switch in the drip tray.

There is also a safety splash screen – even with the lid open, the pump head, valves and pipework are covered with a clear uPVC screen.

In addition the integrated bund/drip tray will contain any leakage and the level switch will inhibit the pump. A drain plug allows any residual chemical to be drained safely.

All models are available allowing dose rates as low as 0.0025 l/hr or up to 150 l/hr and pressures to 16 bar, are dual voltage 110-240V and supplied with a 110V plug on flying lead supplied as standard.

The DosingCube™ can be supplied to either sit on an IBC or mounted on a wall rail such that it sits above the IBC or dosing tank and bund.

WES Ltd provide a complete range of modular dosing systems and Sound Engineering Practice (SEP) is adopted throughout the manufacturing process. With integral chemical containment, automatic leak detection cut-off and splash screens, their equipment provides a safe dosing system for both the operator and the environment.

For more information contact WES Ltd on 01256 819777 or visit either www.wes.ltd.uk or www.wesdp.com

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