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Fairlocks Pool Products
Clear Water Revival Takes Plunge With Crowdcube
Targeting a huge potential market in which nearly 150,000 new swimming pools are installed every year in Europe, natural swimming pool company Clear Water Revival Ltd has dived in head first to raise funds on equity crowdfunding platform Crowdcube. The business is one of the market leaders and has developed a unique filtration technology, which uses natural biological processes rather than chemicals to clean swimming pool water. It will use the £185,000+ raised on the site to bring its innovative technology to the new-build and retrofit pool filtration markets in Europe and the United States – estimated to be worth £3.55bn annually.

Led by engineer Andrew Cox and aquatic ecologist, David Nettleton, both previously involved in clean-tech and environmental projects, the company has been supporting a £150,000 R&D programme at Cranfield University's Water Science Institute, partly funded by a Government-backed SMART innovation grant awarded to the company two years ago. With a team of water chemists, biologist and engineers, led by Dr Richard Mariner, they have spent four years developing and testing prototype modular bio-filter systems for swimming pools to come up with a disruptive chemical-free filtration system technology for full commercialisation later this year.

"We’re looking to revolutionise the conventional swimming pool industry as people look for alternatives to chemical treatments such as chlorine," said Andrew Cox, co-founder of Clear Water Revival. "Aside from the obvious health benefits of not using chemicals, when compared with conventional systems, our bio-filtration technology offers up to eight times lower running costs, far lower maintenance requirements, zero chemical costs as well as the opportunity to use natural looking designs which blend in with the environment to create stunning indoor and outdoor spaces.

"Our unique system, which does not require any plants to operate and can be heated much like a conventional pool, will offer people a totally unique swimming experience; it’s like swimming in a alpine river or lake with fresh mineralised water, which is so clean you can even drink it! There are simply no downsides to what we are offering and there is a huge potential market both in Europe and further afield including the US to go after."

Originally established in 2006 to bring natural pools to the UK, Clear Water Revival, attracted 146 investors on Crowdcube offering a 14.52% equity investment for a total of £185,880, £25,000 above its original target. With the launch of its own bio-filter system planned for the end of this year, the team will use the funds raised on Crowdcube to help commercialise the product, develop its distribution channels across Europe and provide technical and marketing support to resellers.

Initially the company will target the existing new build natural swimming pool market across the EU where over 2,000 natural pools are built per year, before aggressively targeting the conventional new-build sector and 'refurb' market where existing chemical-based systems are upgraded to chemical free bio-filters.

Luke Lang, co-founder of Crowdcube, added: "Although there is significant demand for alternatives to chlorine treatment, until now the industry has really struggled to provide a viable cost-effective solution, but Clear Water Revival is about to change all that. The firm's unique filtration technology to set to meet a huge demand and we're delighted that Crowdcube investors have risen to the challenge to support this fantastic opportunity."

Clear Water Revival's bio-filtration technology relies on bacterial action and absorptive function within the filter to control any build-up of organic nutrients like Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorous, which leads to the growth of algae and pathogens. By controlling these nutrients, the technology delivers crystal clear water without the use of any chemicals or other forms of water sterilisation.

For more information visit www.clear-water-revival.com

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