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Conference considers new national protocol for crypto’
Recent outbreaks that have been investigated have shown that swimming pool managers are not good at having procedures in place to deal with suspected cryptosporidium cases.
That’s the view of the ISRM, the Institute of Sports and Recreational Management.
In the build up to a conference called How to deal with Cryptosporidium at Loughborough University the ISRM urged that all UK pools should have a procedure in place for dealing with incidents of pool contamination by bathers whether this is a simple faecal accident or a suspected cryptosporidium outbreak.
Led by Ralph Riley conference speakers included: Dr Rachel Chalmers, Head, UK Cryptosporidium Reference Unit, Public Health Wales, Janice Calvert, Oakland Calvert Consultants Ltd., Dr Gordon Nicholls, Health Protection Agency and Dr Helen Irvine, Consultant in Public Health Medicine National Health Service, Greater Glasgow and Clyde.
Said the ISRM: “The procedure needs to detail the emergency response including who is to take control of and manage the incident; who deals with any operational actions that may be necessary, who liaises with the health authorities, and who deals with the press and any other necessary contacts. Getting this process wrong can be costly, time consuming and damaging. Just because this has never happened to you and in your opinion is unlikely to happen in your pool is no excuse.
Legally every pool must have a procedure in place that stands up to scrutiny and is effectively implemented when necessary.
“Recent outbreaks that have been investigated have shown that we are not good at this with failings throughout the management of the emergency action process.”
This seminar looked at:
• The conclusions of investigations into recent outbreaks. What have we learned?
• What we know about cryptosporidium; the incidence, the methodology and practice that should be adopted in dealing with a suspected or confirmed incident.
• A new national protocol that needs to be followed where a public health issue of this kind has to be dealt with.
• Developments in dealing with cryptosporidium throughout the rest of the world and in particular America and other European countries.
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Conference considers new national protocol for crypto’
Recent outbreaks that have been investigated have shown that swimming pool managers are not good at having procedures in place to deal with suspected cryptosporidium cases.
That’s the view of the ISRM, the Institute of Sports and Recreational Management.
In the build up to a conference called How to deal with Cryptosporidium at Loughborough University the ISRM urged that all UK pools should have a procedure in place for dealing with incidents of pool contamination by bathers whether this is a simple faecal accident or a suspected cryptosporidium outbreak.
Led by Ralph Riley conference speakers included: Dr Rachel Chalmers, Head, UK Cryptosporidium Reference Unit, Public Health Wales, Janice Calvert, Oakland Calvert Consultants Ltd., Dr Gordon Nicholls, Health Protection Agency and Dr Helen Irvine, Consultant in Public Health Medicine National Health Service, Greater Glasgow and Clyde.
Said the ISRM: “The procedure needs to detail the emergency response including who is to take control of and manage the incident; who deals with any operational actions that may be necessary, who liaises with the health authorities, and who deals with the press and any other necessary contacts. Getting this process wrong can be costly, time consuming and damaging. Just because this has never happened to you and in your opinion is unlikely to happen in your pool is no excuse.
Legally every pool must have a procedure in place that stands up to scrutiny and is effectively implemented when necessary.
“Recent outbreaks that have been investigated have shown that we are not good at this with failings throughout the management of the emergency action process.”
This seminar looked at:
• The conclusions of investigations into recent outbreaks. What have we learned?
• What we know about cryptosporidium; the incidence, the methodology and practice that should be adopted in dealing with a suspected or confirmed incident.
• A new national protocol that needs to be followed where a public health issue of this kind has to be dealt with.
• Developments in dealing with cryptosporidium throughout the rest of the world and in particular America and other European countries.
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