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Fairlocks Pool Products
Below area selection of useful industry organisations and associations.

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BCA (The British Chemicals Association - formerly BACS) is a UK-based trade association which acts as a collective voice for businesses large and small operating in the chemicals industry, wherever they sit in the supply chain and whatever their special interests.
Tel: +44 (0)1423 700249
Email: enquiries@bcaorg.com

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BISHTA (The British and Irish Spa and Hot Tub Association) is a member of the BSPF, and exists to promote high standards of safety, enjoyment and value, by registering suppliers of spas, hot tubs, accessories and water purification products.
Tel: +44 (0)1264 356211
Email: admin@bishta.org.uk

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British Water is the trade association for the water industry supply chain, representing the industry collectively to government, regulators, other institutions, customers and the media.
Recognised as the voice for the industry, British Water is able to ensure that the message gets through where the representations of a single, commercial enterprise would invariably fail to register. 
Tel: +44 (0)20 7957 4554
Email: info@britishwater.co.uk

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BSPF (The British Swimming Pool Federation) brings together in one organisation the UK bodies representing contractors, manufacturers, distributors and retailers of swimming pools, spas, hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms and associated equipment.
Tel: +44(0)1264 356210
Email: admin@bspf.org.uk

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EUSA (The European Union of Swimming Pool and Spa Association) was founded in 2006 with its headquarters in Bruxelles. It represents craftsmen, the trade, wholesalers and the industry of the swimming pool and spa businesses in Europe.
Tel: +46 (0)31 797 04 40
Email: info@eusaswim.eu

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ISPE (The Institute Of Swimming Pool Engineers) was set up in 1978 to establish an organisation for the individual swimming pool engineer to foster a professional approach to the design, installation and maintenance of swimming pools, enclosures and all ancillary equipment. ISPE gives recognition to technical skill and ability, engages in education and training, promotes unrestricted co-operation and liaison between industry professionals and provides opportunities for the interchange of ideas and experience.
Tel: +44 (0)1603 499959
Email: ross@ispe.co.uk

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The National Water Safety Forum (NWSF) is a UK-focused, voluntary network, working together in order to reduce water-related deaths and associated harm.
The NWSF was established in 2004 following a Government review into water safety.
Tel: +44 (0)121 248 2235
Email: info@nationalwatersafety.org.uk

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PWTAG (Pool Water Treatment Advisory Group) is an independent, not-for-profit, membership organisation with the sole objective of raising standards in the quality and treatment of swimming pool water.
Tel: +44 (0)1379 783678
Email: admin@pwtag.org.uk

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SPATA (The Swimming Pool and Allied Trades Association) is a member of the BSPF and of EUSA. SPATA sets standards governing the construction and operation of pools, spas, saunas and steam rooms – which their members have to follow. Pool contractor members’ work is inspected before they can join, and periodically re-inspected afterwards. SPATA look at the standards of their work and their trading ethics.
Tel: +44 (0)1264 356210
Email: admin@spata.co.uk

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Sport England is focused on the creation of a world-leading community sport system.
They invest National Lottery and Exchequer funding in organisations and projects that will grow and sustain participation in grassroots sport and create opportunities for people to excel at their chosen sport. Their structure reflects this focus.
Tel: +44 (0)845 850 8508
Email: info@sportengland.org

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STA (The Swimming Teachers Association) is a solutions driven organisation, dedicated to working with its customers and partners here in the UK and internationally, to build Safer, Healthier & Better Skilled Communities. As a major organisation concerned with swimming and water safety, STA is also at the cutting edge of raising standards.
Tel: +44 (0)1922 645097
Email: sta@sta.co.uk

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Swim England (formerly The ASA) can trace its routes back to 1869. It was the first Governing Body of swimming to be established in the world and today remains the English national governing body for swimming, diving, water polo, open water, and synchronised swimming.
Tel: +44 (0)1509 618700
Email: customerservices@swimming.org

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WMS (The Water Management Society/WMSoc) has been in existence since 1970. By gathering together expertise from every sector of the industry the WMSoc can offer informed and experienced assistance in all matters relating to the responsible management of water in industry and commerce. Members are represented on relevant government and industry Consultation panels and are regularly consulted on matters of immediate concern.
Tel: +44 (0)1827 289558
Email: admin@wmsoc.org.uk

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