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Fairlocks Pool Products
Prime Minister David Cameron visits Certikin International
The Prime Minister Launches Certikin’s Celebration Of Fifty Years Of Service To The Pool And Spa Industry
Underlining the importance of the company’s milestone 50th anniversary, Witney-based Certikin International was recently delighted to welcome the Prime Minister David Cameron.

The visit is the first in a series of planned events that will run throughout 2013 to mark the anniversary of the UK’s largest manufacturer and supplier of pool and spa equipment. Certikin has come a long way since it started life in a basement in East Grinstead and has since grown to become a key player in the global leisure market. Employing well over 100 people at its Witney and Leeds operations, its thriving export division services over 50 countries throughout the world and supplies Certikin’s operations in Europe, the Middle East and India.

The Prime Minister was given a tour of Certikin’s impressive manufacturing and warehouse facilities in Witney’s Station Lane Industrial Estate. He was able to see the cutting-edge technology and innovative thinking behind the development of products such as the telescopic Endless Summer enclosure and Certikin’s unique swimming pool grating. During the visit, he met the Managing Director Neil Murray, Chairman Patrick Thorpe, Sales Director Richard Way and Operations Director Tim Wilson as well as a number of the factory staff.

Prime Minister, David Cameron said: "I am delighted to be able to join Certikin International in their celebrations of the company’s 50th anniversary. Not only does Certikin International bring jobs and a real boost to our local economy here in West Oxfordshire but the company also brings business and manufacturing to Britain. It is businesses like this which are helping to lift our economy out of a very difficult time and making sure that Britain thrives in the global race. I wish them every success for the future."

Certikin has long been recognised as a leading innovator in many key product areas. Such is the extent of the company’s penetration of the marketplace, that many of the key components of a pool, (wherever it is in the world) will invariably incorporate Certikin manufactured products, such as underwater lights, liners, main drains, skimmers, water circulation pumps and heaters. It is also a major distributor of market leading brands such as Calorex, Roldeck, Coverstar and Dolphin.

MD, Neil Murray, said: "Certikin bears testament to the fact that from acorns, oak trees grow. Thanks to a dedicated and conscientious workforce (many of whom have worked at Certikin for 25 years plus) we have gone from strength to strength. Both on the domestic and commercial front, Certikin has earned itself a reputation for delivering market leading, premium quality products backed by superb technical support.

"We are delighted and honoured to play host to the Prime Minister in order that he can see for himself the high calibre of the company and its staff in a local setting. We are celebrating our heritage but standing, as we do, at the forefront of innovation and development, our focus is also on the future."

For more information contact Certikin International on 01993 778855 or visit www.certikin.co.uk

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