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Industry Survey Results For 2013
Now in its third year, the Wet Leisure Industry Survey reveals how the industry is performing with some definite trends appearing - some of them may have been expected - some might surprise you. The survey shows that areas of our industry are growing and where times are getting harder.

Once again with the help and support of The British Swimming Pool Federation (BSPF), the report, researched and produced by Golden Coast gave wet leisure companies across the UK the opportunity to share their feedback either by post or online, this year resulting in 15% more responses than last year. All responses were completely anonymous which allows for specific opinions without attributing them to a particular individual or indeed knowing who made them. Year-on-year the data is building and as the number of respondents grows, the picture that is revealed about the industry becomes more accurate and more useful.

Dipping into the report, it is always useful to know about what the growing trends are in any particular market and respondents were asked exactly that.

The results were clear. Energy saving products are revealed as the most sort after of any of the surveys market trends. Drilling down into the figures, the respondent businesses who reported an extremely good year in 2013, report that their 'popularity' rose from almost 70% to just over 80%. Revealing an obviously a growth area to watch.

Retro-fit products designed to improve an existing installation were next on the list with a score of just over 50%. In respondent businesses who describe most of their sales as coming from the middle of the market, this rises to over 60%

Top-end, luxury products, are the third biggest trend with an industry wide score of over 30%. This, of course, rises to 55% if we look at those businesses mostly serving the top-end of the market. However, those respondents do add that even this sector is looking for value for money. A successful luxury product may well be expensive, but it must be seen to be worth that premium price in the customer’s eyes.

Finally, for what are described as eco-friendly products, 25% of the industry report customers looking for this type of product but that rises to over 36% if we look just at the businesses that reported an extremely good year in 2013.

In summary, the survey this year has shown some large, industry trends but the old adage, 'all businesses are different' remains true. The picture of the wet leisure industry appears to show more industry wide trends and commonalities than ever before and yet, when we look at the challenges individual businesses think they will face next year we see that the broader picture is made up of individuals operating in their own, specific business environments.

For more information, visit either of the trade association websites at www.spata.co.uk and/or www.bishta.co.uk

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