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Smethwick pool goes for sea life images
A local 1960s pool in Smethwick has received a sea life transformation.

Smethwick Swimming Centre now has a shark, dolphin, whales and huge sea turtle in residence at their pool. The old grey wall tiles and boarded over walls and windows of the small pool have now been replaced by dramatic real still life images from the sea.

Sandwell Leisure Trust’s Marketing Manager - Mark Wildman said: “We have wanted to do something at Smethwick to cover drab tiles and boarded over wall coverings for some time. Working with our designers we have created an oceanic feel to the small pool creating some truly fantastic results for our customers to enjoy. The main feature is a huge sea turtle at the end of the pool creating a fantastic back-drop to the pool surroundings which also feature other wonderful sea creatures of which local schools helped to choose the final images.”

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