Swimming is still number one in England!
Swimming is still England’s most popular participation sport with nearly 3.26m people regularly getting in the pool – almost 1m more than those playing football.
The number of people swimming once a week has increased by nearly 40,000 from the last quarter results according to Sport England’s Active People survey.
The Active People Survey 4, carried out over a twelve month period to April 2010, shows that 7.72% of people are going to their local pools and swimming for 30 minutes or more at least once per week.
Anne Adams-King, the ASA’s Director of English Programmes, believes this is a positive step. She said: "Although England has a great army of armchair fans, we need to encourage people to stay active.
"These figures show some further progress in getting people into the pool, despite the fact during the survey period there were significant challenges with simply getting around due to the weather!
"We feel we have turned the corner now and we have begun to engage with people who see the benefits of a more active lifestyle to health and wellbeing.
"This has been a massive team effort and we have been supported by both Sport England and British Gas in understanding challenges around marketing and communicating to both the industry and people.
"However, we have still a long way to go in changing the culture and customer experience in swimming but with the support of the pool operators – who are all now fully engaged – we will continue to grow the market and achieve our goals."
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Swimming is still number one in England!
Swimming is still England’s most popular participation sport with nearly 3.26m people regularly getting in the pool – almost 1m more than those playing football.
The number of people swimming once a week has increased by nearly 40,000 from the last quarter results according to Sport England’s Active People survey.
The Active People Survey 4, carried out over a twelve month period to April 2010, shows that 7.72% of people are going to their local pools and swimming for 30 minutes or more at least once per week.
Anne Adams-King, the ASA’s Director of English Programmes, believes this is a positive step. She said: "Although England has a great army of armchair fans, we need to encourage people to stay active.
"These figures show some further progress in getting people into the pool, despite the fact during the survey period there were significant challenges with simply getting around due to the weather!
"We feel we have turned the corner now and we have begun to engage with people who see the benefits of a more active lifestyle to health and wellbeing.
"This has been a massive team effort and we have been supported by both Sport England and British Gas in understanding challenges around marketing and communicating to both the industry and people.
"However, we have still a long way to go in changing the culture and customer experience in swimming but with the support of the pool operators – who are all now fully engaged – we will continue to grow the market and achieve our goals."
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