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AstralPool UK



Desjoyaux Swimming Pools


Ocea UK


Spa De La Mare

To download a PDF copy of the 2025 SPN (Swimming Pool News) media pack, click here. For forward features information, click here.

To discuss advertising within SPN (Swimming Pool News), please call Tony Weston on +44 (0)1474 813433 or to email him, click here.

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Fairlocks Pool Products
F T Completes Huddersfield Leisure Centre Project
The new Huddersfield Leisure Centre is the biggest in the district and is a great asset for local people. It will help them to improve their health and wellbeing as well as attracting visitors to the town.

The new £36m facility at Springwood replaces the old centre in Southgate. It includes a 25-metre, 8 lane competition pool, a multi-activity teaching pool with a full moveable floor system, a beach area leisure pool with multiple interactive water features and river ride, a spa pool, a children’s pool with themed animal features, a GRP flume and an exciting 'Sidewinder' ride. The centre also has two sports halls, a climbing wall, squash courts, martial arts facilities, a large fitness suite, a café and a children’s area.

F T Leisure was the principal sub-contractor responsible for water treatment, water features, flume hydraulics, moveable floor and disabled access systems. Each pool has a dedicated water treatment and filtration system based on traditional medium rate sand filtration with disinfection, pH correction and UV sterilisation.

The whole programme centred on the construction of the pools and the main contractor had to dig down to rock level, about 4 metres below ground, and remove some 12,000 cubic metres of earth weighing 30,000 tonnes. There were also restrictions on the use of the type of concrete construction which was needed for the pools and it was vital to get the workmanship and sequence right to avoid shrinkage cracks or leaking.

F T Leisure specialises in the provision of innovative products and professional technical services to the commercial, municipal and private swimming pool industries. Their range of services includes the design, manufacture, installation, commissioning and/or refurbishment and maintenance of water treatment and filtration systems, moveable floors, booms and disabled access platforms, ozone and UV sterilisation, wave machines and leisure water features.

Other recent F T Leisure projects include Hough End Leisure Centre, Consett Academy and Leisure Centre, Hebburn Community Hub, Leys Pools and Leisure Centre and Manchester City Football Academy.

For more information on F T Leisure, call 0161 494 5785 or visit www.ftleisure.co.uk

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